The Detroit News shamelessly printed an article on January 31, 2016 regarding the status of the Civil Service Commission and union protections for State of Michigan workers. The nameless coward who wrote the editorial is trying to blame workers for the legal protections and processes for determining wrongdoing. It seems that the governor and his cronies are the only people provided with those rights.
The position taken in the opinion is laughable and quite glaringly an attempt at deflecting the real issues. It makes me wonder if the person writing the story is the PR person hired by Governor Snyder after he began taking heat for the Flint Water Crisis. As more revelations are occurring regarding Snyder’s inner circle having received and sent emails about the Legionnaires disease outbreaks and expressing concerns about wanting to switch Flint’s water source back to the Detroit (Lake Huron) pipeline, I am fairly certain that the attack on Michigan’s workers is a well thought out plan to insulate the governor and his cronies.
In 2015 the State of Michigan entered a contract with a water consultant firm in order to oversee water safety in Flint and elsewhere in the State. At the same time more than 100,000 acres of additional state land was auctioned off leases to fracking companies in Michigan. Fracking destroys fresh water. The auction occurred just months after a July, 2015 (OAG) audit showing that the state is failing at retrieving oil and gas fracking royalties from companies working as contractors on state land. The audit report shows a distinct drop-off in revenues beginning in 2012. The link? Money. Companies get to keep fracking profits while Flint gets disease-laden and toxic lead water to drink.
To “pass the buck” to the workers and to propose that the worker protection laws should be eliminated is a spineless act. The quasi-business governmental leaders are to blame. Not the workers.